Wednesday, 7 April 2010

List: 19 things I haven't achieved so far

You know how people have lists of 30 things they want to do before they turn 30, I don't have one of those just for the simple reason I lose lists. I lose bits of paper so easily. To stop lose things I usually email things to myself - that is the bonus of having more than one email address - or I text it to myself.
Instead of writing a long boring list of 19 things I have done before my 19th birthday I have decided to write a list of 19 things I have yet to achieve in the hope I can cross off at least one before I turn 20 next year, it's unlikely but hey who knows what might happen by then.

  1. I haven't really learnt anything usual in German - knowing the words for chocolate, cheese and pasta may have been useful when I was younger but they aren't any longer. I know maybe three sentences in German, I will attempt to learn more at some point.
  2. I haven't travelled far - Asking me where I've been on holiday in the last 10 years will pretty much be pointless, I've never been anywhere exotic, any where with a proper beach (I'm sorry but Morecambe beach is not a beach and Blackpool beach barely passes as a beach really) I have never seen a palm tree in an area where palm trees actually come from. I've never been on a plane for more than 2 hours, Germany is only 2 hours away by plane and that is the only place I really holiday to.
  3. I've not had a 'real' teenage experience. You are reading that correctly, I never drank underage, I never got arrested, I never had a detention for being bad - taking my jumper off and complaining to myself when I got stuck is not me being naughty. I never had a house party, I was never out late. I never had the experience many teens call the 'real' teenage experience, to be frank I was happy reading and learning random facts.
  4. I've not really read the classics - Like Many people I love a good book but I am a slow reader - even worse if you ask me to read aloud, my brain works faster than my eyes and mouth do. Sometimes I struggle to get into a book or even worse I forget I'm reading a book and that has happened before
  5. I'm still a messy person - I try to be neater but end up losing things. Must try harder to be neater, my room looks like a disaster zone, I know have to hand out hard hats and guide ropes to people who enter my tiny room that is like 6ft by 9ft.
  6. I am also rather disorganised - every year I try with a diary but come February I either lose it or forget but I keep trying
  7. I can't stop losing something everyday - I misplace everything all the time. I keep trying to stop losing things but I can't.
  8. I haven't stopped rambling - I ramble all the time, I make no sense what so ever half the time.
  9. I'm almost 19 and I can't really cook for myself - Until a few months ago being about to cook pasta and put cheese on it would have done me fine until I started being not well whenever I ate cheese
  10. I can't stop worrying - I go on a bus, I worry it will crash. I go on a plane and I list and ask about everything even the most absurd thing that could go wrong. I get a cold and I say I'm dying.
  11. I haven't managed a normal sleeping pattern - I am a very odd person in that I work best at night. I can write stories at night, cook at night. The thing is when you have to get up at the ungodly hour of 7 in the morning being up late does not help.
  12. I haven't managed one full calendar year without a hospital visit - I am accident prone. I walk into things, I drop things on my head, I am just a idiot full stop. I got whiplash from an Orange, yes I got whiplash from a piece for fruit!
  13. I haven't managed to think before I speak - speaks for it's self does that. I speak first, think later.
  14. I can't stop fidgeting - I move all the time, I'll slide up and down my chair, tap my foot, drum my fingers. It drives people crazy
  15. I don't really live in the real world - Have you ever seen Scrubs? I kinda like J.D. I go off into my own little world in my head.
  16. I haven't managed to finish a single story I've ever written - I don't know why, just haven't.
  17. I keep putting things off when I shouldn't
  18. I can't stop replying with 'smart' answers
  19. I am incredibly impatient - I hate waiting, I think everything (Ok, most things) should be done in 30 seconds flat or they aren't worth it

There are the 19 things I haven't achieved so far. I sort of rambled off half way through, hopefully it all makes sense. It sounds more like a list of my faults, maybe I should have called it 19 of my most annoying faults. Or maybe they are 19 of the traits people find interesting in someone as confusing as myself.

Darn! I'm rambling again.
Happy ...erm... whatever day of the week you read this.


1 comment:

  1. i have to say that you have a beautiful way with words, i am glad i have inspired you to many things, you and your brother are the greatest achievement that i have :-) am very proud of the pair of you, and i am very glad that you have been brought up very different to me, i am sure that the pair of you will succeed in many ways far greater than i have, love dad xx
