Friday, 14 May 2010

One down, eleven to go

As I said in a previous post I am trying to do 12 new things before my 20th birthday next year, today I decided to try Sushi. This was a spur of the moment decision in Asda today when food shopping with my mum and brother.

(Sushi in the packaging, the photograph taken by myself)

(The sushi out of the packaging. 1, Cucumber hosomaki. 2, red pepper hosomaki. 3, Tuna and red pepper California roll. 4, Prawn California roll. 5, not a clue - Soy sauce maybe.)
I managed to eat the two pieces of hosomaki, they were fine. I had no problem with them. Then I picked up the prawn california roll. Baring in mind I don't really like fish. I was trying to open my horizons, try new things, including fish. You know when a baby sits out food it doesn't like, I did that, only less elegantly. Reaching out for my drink to flush away the fish taste. I didn't even attempt the Tuna and red pepper california. The prawn taste had put me off. I don't think in future I am going to eat sushi. Though this experience has made me more open to trying different types of fish, different ways of cooking fish.
The sushi experience was a good and bad one. I won't be eating Sushi again but I will be trying different types of fish. Has anyone else had any experiences with Sushi? Good or bad? It would be interesting to read the experiences of others with Sushi.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

List: Five Things That Inspire Me

Inspiration can come from anything and anyone. I have a list of many things that inspire me, some are deeply personal to me and some are extremely random. Living in a seaside town that has seen better days you can see the beauty that used to be there, it's inspires me to make something of my life. I think I would pull my hair out if I had to live there all my life. It is a nice place but it's a bit too dull for me, love the weather though as it's hardly ever sunny.

One - Music
Music is one of my biggest sources of influence and inspiration. I used to want to be a musician when I was younger along with a long list of other things. I never was the talented musician I wanted to be, I could hold a tune but I would never remember notes unless I had to sing the. All my life I have been surrounded by music. My dad used to play music all sort of music when I was a baby such as Madness, U2, Bon Jovi, etc. 80's rock music has played a big part of my life. Music has always been my escape as has writing and for me the two go hand in hand. Music is full of emotion, hope, desire, hatred. Anything can be portrayed through music.
The bands themselves in several cases have inspirited me. Band likes Muse and Lostprophets are 'home made' if you will and many people see that as their inspiration. For me it's the fact they come from small, almost unknown places. Muse come from a seaside town on the South West coast called Teignmouth and Lostprophets hail from a town just north of Cardiff called Pontypridd. I come from a small seaside town called Morecambe. It is relatively unknown, in my life time we have only been on the news once that I remember and that was 2004 when 21 Chinese cockle picker died. Muse and Lostprophets had a dream and they worked their socks off for it and now they are playing to thousands of people and are internationally known. It gives me hope that if I work for what I want I can achieve it, even if I come from an almost unknown place.

(Lostprophets, image from google images)

(Muse, Image from google Images)
Two – Being the bigger person
Pretty through the whole of my schooling I have been bullied for various things. I have been bullied for various things including the fact I am ginger, I'm half German, I did well in school and I would get involved in school things like student counsel and open evenings. It might be surprising for some people but apart from the bullying school was hard for me. I had to work hard to understand things, I struggled to read aloud – my eyes and brain worked faster than my mouth so my words would crash into each other, and half the time I was too stubborn to admit if I needed help. Being bullied meant I had to learn to be the bigger person and I have. If someone calls me names, I ignore them. Being bullied has inspired me to work harder, to achieve the things I want to do. For me being bullied was partly a positive experience, just because it gave me the desire to work towards a goal not to focus on the negatives of my appearance that one person sees.

Three – My family
My family are the most random, unique and special people I know. I consider myself very lucky to know them. We are all different generations and from different places in the world. There are so many stories within my family that are very inspiring and interesting. An example is my Great Grandfather who fought in WW2 and received a medal for his bravery, for saving the lives of his unit risking his own in the process. You don't hear of stories like that often, you'll see a film based on WW2 where something similar happens but to know a man like that is amazing. Words can't explain how lucky and in awe I feel just to know, let alone be related to someone so selfless.
My family are a wonderful source of influence and inspiration. Without them I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Four - Outside my bubble
The outside world is a curious place. The world in the nineteen years I have been living has changed so much. When I was a child the internet and computers wasn't a big thing. Now at nineteen, computers are a big things, even my Nanna has one and knows how to use it though she does sometimes need help. The world my Grandparents, my mum and my dad grew up in is so different to the world I grew up in. I've basically grown up in fiction. Look at the world and tell me that is not George Orwell's 1984 outside. We're watched, controlled and monitored. Thirty years ago that was unheard of.
We're living in a world that is becoming ever more volatile because we are using and abusing it. We've taken too much from it and now it's lashing back. Many, many people have lost their values. We're money and material obsessed. We want things and we want them now. We want, we use, we break, we dump and then we start the cycle again.
Watching the hate between people; the friction again law and citizens; religion against science; right versus wrong, is a source of inspiration. Makes me think of the 'what ifs'. What if there was no science? What if law didn't exist? What if every right was actually a wrong? What if we didn't actually thing for ourselves? What if we were programmed?
Take a minute and think about it. Stand back and think about what you see, it's interesting to say the least.

Five – Imagine a place where you can soar like an eagle and swim like a fish.
Dreams. With dreams you can be anyone, do anything. Dreams to me are interesting, they can inspire and confuse at the same time. In a dream you can do and believe things that in your conscious state are impossible to do. Dreams provoke ideas; give you the chance to see something from a different view point. In a dream you are free from the normality and control of daily life.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The beauty in the despair.

In the last few days there has been a panic descending over British holiday makers over volcanic ash from the Icelandic volcano.
I don't know how the rest of Europe has dealt with the volcanic ash invading the air space. Hundreds of flights in Britain have been cancelled, thousands of holiday makers have been stranded, children have been unable to attend school for being stuck in a foreign country and adults have been unable to work. Though I don't think I would argue over having a couple more days away.
Many people have complained about something no one has any control over. Is a little bit of volcanic ash really something to complain over? Surely you should be more concerned over your safety and your life than something as materialistic as a holiday, something you will forget in a few weeks, a few months, it won't keep you warm when you elderly. At least your life is something that you can cherish.
Watching the news it got me thinking, there has to be something positive in all this. Even if it was just something small like a baby born on top of the volcano or a terrorist attack gone wrong because of the ash. Then I came across these photographs.
(Image 1&2 from:
Image 3 from:

These images are breath taking, I am amazed by them. This is beautifully distubing, how something that has created so much chaos from so far away can create such beautiful imagery.

Friday, 9 April 2010

List: 20 things to achieve before I turn 20

So I am now officially 19 years of age. Following on from my list of 19 things I've yet to achieve, I am going to write a list of 20 things I want to achieve before next year.

  1. I want to vote this year. I could vote last year but I wasn't registered
  2. Read at least 10 books
  3. Make one item of clothing, even if it is customised. I'm not a huge fan of the consumer sheep trend amongst many teenagers these days.
  4. Learn more in German
  5. To work much harder - I am a hard worker when it comes to my college work but I want to work harder.
  6. Lose things less
  7. Be neater
  8. Be more organised
  9. Stop procastinating
  10. Read more than just fiction
  11. Blog more regularly
  12. Blog about more than just myself. Blog about other things such as the upcoming UK election. ect
  13. Write more articles and complete already started ones
  14. Complete my novel
  15. Not go to the hospital. I am accident prone
  16. Get back into politics more.
  17. By a paper at least once a week
  18. Take more care in my appearance. Rolling our of bed, having a shower, putting on whatever is clean and leaving the house is not taking care of my appearance.
  19. Be more open to trying new things, try one new things every month
  20. Get a decent hair cut

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Hello there!

Hello there!

I am Madeleine or Maddie, I respond to either most of the time. The blog has actually been up a while but I've never posted. I also had three other blogs which I deleted because I didn't like them, hopefully I won't lose interest again. I shouldn't do, I like the name of this blog.
You may have noticed the URL says gingernutsnaps and you may think this is slightly weird but it's not. I am a red head, more commonly a ginger, a gingger (ging-ger) or a ginger ninja - I kid you not, I have been called that and more. I am slightly nuts and I went through a faze of snapping my food in have. If you put it all together you get: Ginger-nut-snaps or more commonly gingernutsnaps.
Hmm...I wonder if you could actually get ginger ninjas, they'd stick out a little more than ninjas in all black.

Have fun


List: 19 things I haven't achieved so far

You know how people have lists of 30 things they want to do before they turn 30, I don't have one of those just for the simple reason I lose lists. I lose bits of paper so easily. To stop lose things I usually email things to myself - that is the bonus of having more than one email address - or I text it to myself.
Instead of writing a long boring list of 19 things I have done before my 19th birthday I have decided to write a list of 19 things I have yet to achieve in the hope I can cross off at least one before I turn 20 next year, it's unlikely but hey who knows what might happen by then.

  1. I haven't really learnt anything usual in German - knowing the words for chocolate, cheese and pasta may have been useful when I was younger but they aren't any longer. I know maybe three sentences in German, I will attempt to learn more at some point.
  2. I haven't travelled far - Asking me where I've been on holiday in the last 10 years will pretty much be pointless, I've never been anywhere exotic, any where with a proper beach (I'm sorry but Morecambe beach is not a beach and Blackpool beach barely passes as a beach really) I have never seen a palm tree in an area where palm trees actually come from. I've never been on a plane for more than 2 hours, Germany is only 2 hours away by plane and that is the only place I really holiday to.
  3. I've not had a 'real' teenage experience. You are reading that correctly, I never drank underage, I never got arrested, I never had a detention for being bad - taking my jumper off and complaining to myself when I got stuck is not me being naughty. I never had a house party, I was never out late. I never had the experience many teens call the 'real' teenage experience, to be frank I was happy reading and learning random facts.
  4. I've not really read the classics - Like Many people I love a good book but I am a slow reader - even worse if you ask me to read aloud, my brain works faster than my eyes and mouth do. Sometimes I struggle to get into a book or even worse I forget I'm reading a book and that has happened before
  5. I'm still a messy person - I try to be neater but end up losing things. Must try harder to be neater, my room looks like a disaster zone, I know have to hand out hard hats and guide ropes to people who enter my tiny room that is like 6ft by 9ft.
  6. I am also rather disorganised - every year I try with a diary but come February I either lose it or forget but I keep trying
  7. I can't stop losing something everyday - I misplace everything all the time. I keep trying to stop losing things but I can't.
  8. I haven't stopped rambling - I ramble all the time, I make no sense what so ever half the time.
  9. I'm almost 19 and I can't really cook for myself - Until a few months ago being about to cook pasta and put cheese on it would have done me fine until I started being not well whenever I ate cheese
  10. I can't stop worrying - I go on a bus, I worry it will crash. I go on a plane and I list and ask about everything even the most absurd thing that could go wrong. I get a cold and I say I'm dying.
  11. I haven't managed a normal sleeping pattern - I am a very odd person in that I work best at night. I can write stories at night, cook at night. The thing is when you have to get up at the ungodly hour of 7 in the morning being up late does not help.
  12. I haven't managed one full calendar year without a hospital visit - I am accident prone. I walk into things, I drop things on my head, I am just a idiot full stop. I got whiplash from an Orange, yes I got whiplash from a piece for fruit!
  13. I haven't managed to think before I speak - speaks for it's self does that. I speak first, think later.
  14. I can't stop fidgeting - I move all the time, I'll slide up and down my chair, tap my foot, drum my fingers. It drives people crazy
  15. I don't really live in the real world - Have you ever seen Scrubs? I kinda like J.D. I go off into my own little world in my head.
  16. I haven't managed to finish a single story I've ever written - I don't know why, just haven't.
  17. I keep putting things off when I shouldn't
  18. I can't stop replying with 'smart' answers
  19. I am incredibly impatient - I hate waiting, I think everything (Ok, most things) should be done in 30 seconds flat or they aren't worth it

There are the 19 things I haven't achieved so far. I sort of rambled off half way through, hopefully it all makes sense. It sounds more like a list of my faults, maybe I should have called it 19 of my most annoying faults. Or maybe they are 19 of the traits people find interesting in someone as confusing as myself.

Darn! I'm rambling again.
Happy ...erm... whatever day of the week you read this.
